2022 07 1: paintings


20×25 cm

2022 06 28: paintings


that day I suddenly remembered
crazed with all the energy
jumped from brick to brick
balanced on one leg
like karateka kung-fu master
flapping arms and kicking air
widely eyes squinted
as in a movie I just saw

a leg broke as I was bravely leaping
with eyes slightly squinched
I yelled into a sandy ditch
kyaaah with all the focus on my foot
pierced by a buried bucket’s brim
accidentally I was overtaken
by a forgotten sleeping bucket
glistening in the ditch

a thread of lightning struck a tree
as with a sword before my eyes
the treetop fell down another thread
hit me a little bit too late
with steaming coffee on the terrace
I bolted off the chair
and screaming aaaah I heard
a pop of breaking leg

when the chair fell I had remembered
the day I jumped waved and balanced
like a master in a recent movie
I screeched with squinted eyes
big teardrops fell into the ditch
the rain calmed down the aching tree
that day a bucket overcame me today
the lightning flash took down a chair



51×81,5×4 cm

acrylic, spray paint, graphite, markers, lacquer on wooden panel

2 cm white wooden frame

600.00Add to cart

2022 06 22: reliefs


20 x 33 cm

2022 05 13: paintings


hordes of restless men crowded this day
soldiers covered in armor
bound by iron canvas leather
guts pulsating heartbeat echoes
heavy in the temples
raising legs into a step hot breath

not gazing to the sky
backs pressed under their heavy gear
for saving or for taking lives
in the name of children forsaken homes
of women and their songs of foxes
birch trees a boy a blossom or a god
meadows rivers apple orchards

having left behind they track through snow
some in a memory some in a dream
some wiping tears away their rosary
they tell a joke with crooked smile
dropping down a mitten with a cough

on snowy land of their ancestors
snow crystals blink with eyes of
jilted maidens
eyes water clasping throat with tears
drop silent deep into the snow
into the frigid ground and thawing
forefather spirits set deep in ice awaking

one after other soul
succumbed in battle rises
peace in the hearts of men
soughs with their mothers lips into ears
hushshsh dear child of mine
my darling oak be calm
a little bug
of mine



61x80x2 cm

acrylic, graphite, markers, wooden shapes, textile, lacquer on canvas

2 cm white wooden frame

500.00Add to cart

2020 11 17: reliefs

When the inner world starts to become clearer, you move to a state of Pratyahara, the fifth limb of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. In the Sleeping Tortoise Pose, the limbs, ears, eyes, nose, skin, mouth and mind are drawn into the inner landscape therein resulting in Pratyahara.

Supta Kurmasana is the “sleeping tortoise”. When a turtle is sleeping, it is well awarded of its environment, but is not disturbed by it. Have you ever tried to wake up a turtle? Whatever you do, it does not move, wherever you bring it, it won’t have any reaction, however it will be fully conscious of what is going on.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




151x81x3 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 11 17: reliefs


Once upon a time, there was a sage who was bathing in a river. When he stepped on the river bank, he found a scorpion trapped between two rocks, desperately struggling to escape. The sage freed the scorpion by moving the rocks. As soon as it was free, the scorpion stung the sage with its poisonous tail before scampering away. An onlooker laughed and told the sage that it served him tight to save a scorpion. To which the sage replied, “I behave as per my nature and it behaved as per its own.”

In Sanskrit, Vrischika means a Scorpion. In the final position, Vrischikasana resembles the scorpion with its tail lifted upwards. When a scorpion wants to sting its victim, it raises the tail above the back and strikes the victim over the head. This pose resembles a scorpion ready to strike. This pose is usually done at the end of asana practice.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




100x125x2,5 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 11 17: reliefs


The word Shalabhasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Shalabh” meaning locust or grasshopper, a type of insect that lives on the ground.

A locust cannot move in reverse nor move sideways, only moving forward. Always moving forward, always open to change and not about to repeat the same mistakes by going backward. We only need to think about this for a little to recognize the spiritual lessons involved.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




100x125x2,5 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 08 20: reliefs


For a few years in my life I’ve been studying geodesy and liked to measure the relief of some places, then draw them in lines, which show how uneven the surface is and what interesting shapes appear if you try to trace the objects on plain ground.

There is no secret that the Earth is not so flat, nevertheless in some layers of social groups the topic of the shape of our planet is explored controversially and even with religious passion.

This work in some way approves the idea of a flat earth. It is quite flat and depicts the surface of the planet Earth. On geodesy maps the drawing is on flat paper and only lines reflect the relief of the drawn area. I invite to view this flat earth as a fragment of a map which simplifies the nature and gives a hint to our brain to visualize the true place that may be somewhere close, nearby you.



120x100x3 cm

various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 03 27: paintings

75x77x3 cm

acrylic, spray paint, plastic shapes, textile, lacquer on 2 canvases

600.00Add to cart

2020 03 23: paintings

76×72 cm

2020 03 15: paintings


If you look directly at this work, you see yourself in a mirrors. You may pick an angle that does not reflect you or you can try to ignore the reflection and see the whole piece differently, ignoring the mirror view. Is that possible?



60x96x3,5 cm

acrylic, markers, graphite, aluminum, mirrors, lacquer on canvas

600.00Add to cart

space is pretty much unknown.
moon is also unknown.
dark side of the moon is even less known.
it is so mysterious, you know…


60×88 cm

2020 01 15: paintings


Some people know (but mostly – not), what happens underground or in the depths of a mountain. For instance, underneath a lush chunk of forest there might flow a subterranean river as a underwater channel between two lakes. Fish can use it to travel to some secluded nooks. Dive deep in their home lake surrounded by meadows with mountain goats and swim through a dark little undulating tunnel which ends in a forest lake or even in some sort of secretly hidden oasis between ridges looking like a plain mountain from the outside, but tucking away a meadow inside it. Like a tooth that seems externally healthy but hides nothing but decay within.

Most likely, these kind of things never existed, but I would love for at least this one instance to be real:  a creek flowing down the mountain plunges deep into its depths and travels to the lake in small streams. This lake has an underground river leading to a smaller lake lying below and runs further to a second, very deep one.



70x89x2 cm

acrylic, spray paint, graphite, markers, wooden shapes, textile, lacquer on paper

2 cm white wooden frame

400.00Add to cart

2020 01 10: paintings

those are everywhere in various names and shapes. we are them


71 x 89 cm

2019 11 21: paintings

68 x 89 cm



2019 11 10: paintings

She is all kinds of mysterious things of nature like weather, water, winds and waterfalls. She is many things at one time and one beautiful of them is music.


Painted on paper that is glued to a cardboard and framed. then wooden shapes covered with glittery fabric glued on top of that make the whole piece.


68 x 96 cm

2018 02 15: paintings

While making this work I had some thoughts about nowadays. Summary would be that we all are the result of evolution, so – the best of what is so far developed by nature and god. And what are the key moments in us that are so perfect, so useful to spread in world, develop the wealth and possibilities to gain happiness? Maybe some cultural exchanges, religious beliefs, education, science, human rights and luxury to grow a thinner skin. Thinner skin means that person is more vulnerable, but feels more safe and is more sensitive to outer impact.

A piece of an artificial leather is glued on an aluminum panel and then to a surface of canvas so it extends the border of an artwork. canvas size: 70 x 120 cm. The skin adds 14 cm to the left side.

2017 12 10: reliefs

Diamonds mostly are so shiny, transparent and perfect. Raw, special, different – this is the diamond I wanted to make. Irregular shape, solid color with dark shades. As if something not usual, not as we would expect but not less in value. The same could be applied to humans. We value and compare ourselves, but is our worth different? Also I like how it sounds when said: I have a black diamond at home. It sounds mysterious and indeed, it carries something that cannot be put in words, but felt.

Aluminum and wood plates were covered with various fabric and glued together to form this black diamond. Edges of those plates were painted with dark, gold and bronze colors to sparkle some light when you see it in angle. Asymmetrical and tempting to view up closer.



50x70x4 cm

acrylic, aluminum and wooden shapes, various textile

500.00Add to cart

2017 10 23: reliefs

This white and seemingly light bubble is quite large, but on a white wall can easily blend into strange furry shapes. I guess, some princess would love to hang it besides a mirror to see it in background of her face.

This piece is quite heavy, but round shapes, furry and glittery surfaces make it light.

This technique was developed over time of my experiments with blending materials and medias. So, I drew the sketch, then traced the shapes with computer and those were cut out from cast acrylic sheet. Then covered with textile and glued together into one object which can be hung on the wall.



100x100x4,5 cm

various textile on plastic shapes

700.00Add to cart

2017 08 23: reliefs

Of course, nature inspires many of us. in it’s own way. for me this mushroom has rich capacity of perception: in some languages it is called by the names of an animals (voveraitė (lithuanian) – squirrel; kurka (polish) – hen; лисичка (russian) – fox; and perhaps more), also it has an elegant shape which plays with the eyes and maybe gives some thoughts and memories about spending time with relatives or friends in the forest lurking for yellow heads…



150x130x2 cm

various textile on plastic shapes

1,000.00Add to cart

2017 07 6: reliefs

Sea is full of wonders. Somewhere lurks a devil, but somewhere a clown makes his wet jokes…
I liked the idea that shapes could be arranged together to looks almost abstract. Also, the name is so human and the fish could have no intention to make anyone laugh in the ocean, but associative thinking will take us into wildest memories and that could be fun.

Various rounded pieces come together to make a sea clown fish which can dive into some interior to please an eye or comfort an arm (if you stroke the clown).



96x52x2,5 cm

various textile on plastic shapes

500.00Add to cart

2017 06 7: reliefs

The shape of skull is very obvious, though it can be made of few simple peaces put in right places. Anybody can draw it easily and we feel what it shows: past and future of many, of everybody. Shape of skull shows no personal signs of individual, but we know that in the past there were some. Now it’s a temporary reminder that we’re temporary and alike.

Temporal bone is covered with fur. It makes a skull a bit more alive. Teeth are made of reflective fabric so in the dark they will glow under sudden light. These details make the skull more fun than scary and it should be that way.


~ 73×67 cm

2017 05 17: reliefs

This is an illustration of melting ice cream. three cups mix one into another through rounded shapes. the colors are strange for an ice cream. those are cold colors. they show not a taste, but a sense. also those colors are pleasant to view if you see the picture not as a food, but just an abstract object.


50x100x1,5 cm

various textile on plastic shapes

300.00Add to cart

2017 04 21: reliefs

This is stylized glass which traditionally can be seen as half full or empty. though name of this work is optimistic, viewer can see it half empty or refuse to see a glass at all. piece of work can be seen as bunch of shapes stuck together in some harmonious manner.

i like to experiment with materials and shapes, to see how various fabrics fit together not even in color, but also in texture. textile surfaces make whole piece more cozy, intimate and homey.



50x586x1,5 cm

aluminum and wooden shapes, various textile

200.00Add to cart

2017 01 3: reliefs


Tthe shape of lips is not too obvious, so imaginative parts of our minds can play any situation or story, or perhaps can bring some memories of intimate moments we had.

Layers, colors and simple shapes make the whole picture. i wanted to play with flat sculpting to reveal this iconic object we all have.


~ 90×65 cm



2016 12 2: reliefs

Nature inspires me in it’s own way. It is organic and shapeless, but this time i wanted to see how precise structure, lines can reveal what we see in animal if it is simplified into triangles and rhombuses.

Textile and artificial fur convey this sensory part of an animal. you can stroke it as a calm friend.

This technique was developed over time of my experiments with blending materials and medias. In this case, I drew a sketch, then traced the shapes with computer and those were cut out from wooden plate. Then covered with textile and glued together into one object which can be hung on the wall.



55x75x2 cm

various textile on wooden shapes

250.00Add to cart

2015 06 9: reliefs

~115×40 cm

