2020 11 17: reliefs

When the inner world starts to become clearer, you move to a state of Pratyahara, the fifth limb of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. In the Sleeping Tortoise Pose, the limbs, ears, eyes, nose, skin, mouth and mind are drawn into the inner landscape therein resulting in Pratyahara.

Supta Kurmasana is the “sleeping tortoise”. When a turtle is sleeping, it is well awarded of its environment, but is not disturbed by it. Have you ever tried to wake up a turtle? Whatever you do, it does not move, wherever you bring it, it won’t have any reaction, however it will be fully conscious of what is going on.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




151x81x3 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 11 17: reliefs


Once upon a time, there was a sage who was bathing in a river. When he stepped on the river bank, he found a scorpion trapped between two rocks, desperately struggling to escape. The sage freed the scorpion by moving the rocks. As soon as it was free, the scorpion stung the sage with its poisonous tail before scampering away. An onlooker laughed and told the sage that it served him tight to save a scorpion. To which the sage replied, “I behave as per my nature and it behaved as per its own.”

In Sanskrit, Vrischika means a Scorpion. In the final position, Vrischikasana resembles the scorpion with its tail lifted upwards. When a scorpion wants to sting its victim, it raises the tail above the back and strikes the victim over the head. This pose resembles a scorpion ready to strike. This pose is usually done at the end of asana practice.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




100x125x2,5 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart

2020 11 17: reliefs


The word Shalabhasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Shalabh” meaning locust or grasshopper, a type of insect that lives on the ground.

A locust cannot move in reverse nor move sideways, only moving forward. Always moving forward, always open to change and not about to repeat the same mistakes by going backward. We only need to think about this for a little to recognize the spiritual lessons involved.


Funded by Lithuanian council for culture to make a series of yoga poses to remind every of us to exercise. Especially in times when we have to stay at home. Stay in shape!




100x125x2,5 cm

acrylic, various textile on plastic panels

1,000.00Add to cart